Monday, March 3, 2014

Realistic Self-Portrait

The feedback I received was to extend the mouth past the lips, to add in my ears, and to lower my hairline. To extend my mouth I created shadows past the shape of my mouth to show that it goes further than just my lips. I added my ears by starting with the outline and shape and then adding value and shadows. It was a little difficult to make the ear not look like the hair it was next to. Finally, for lowering my hairline, I made the shape of it more define instead of an actual line of hair.

One thing that has definitely changed in the proportions and shape. In the the first they are all wrong but in the second they are much more accurate. Another thing would be the features. In the pre-instructional the features are more outlines and although they look like eyes, nose, mouth, etc., they don’t look like mine. The final major difference would be the value. In the first there is little/none and looks 2D. In the second you can see where the light is coming from, the shadows and shapes, and the different values in my features. Over all, I think that I have made a lot of improvement when comparing the two portraits.

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