Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Lino Prints


  • To become familiar with basic printmaking history, processes, and artists
  • To make connections between the Expressionist Art Movement and artists who worked in that style, including artists from our past and present;
  • To respond visually to artists who work(ed) in the style of the Expressionist Art Movement, by creating a work of art in this style.
  • To print 2 editions of 2 different drawings/designs, demonstrating understanding of the printmaking process.

Some difficulties I found most challenging throughout the process was balancing positive and negative space and getting a clean print. When sketching out my subject, I found it hard to show value when there was only two, no middle value. It was hard to clearly show where the subject ended and the background began and not just cut out a line to separate the two. I also thought trying to end up with a clean print was hard. It took many times to get one where there was the right amount of ink so it didn’t smudge or made it look blotchy.

One thing I am most proud of is my first print and how I balanced my positive and negative space. It was one of the harder aspects of the project and I think that I managed to plot out my space well. Another thing I am proud of would be how my prints of my second subject (the bike) turned out. The bike had a lot of smaller lines that could have easily blended together if they weren’t cut or printed carefully. Over all, I think my prints turned out fairly well, even if it took a few tries to get the hang of it.

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