To become familiar with basic printmaking history, processes, and artists
Printmaking is the process of capturing an image and then transferring it to another surface. It can produce multiple prints from the one original image. Each print (that comes from the original) is signed and numbered (forms a limited edition). Prints are or have been used for early advertisement and illustrations, fine-art or commercial functions, or even product design, such as apparel.
There are several types of printmaking, such as woodblock, screen/silk painting, linotype, and etching. Etching (metal) has been a part of European art since before the 1300s. Woodblock is popular in East Asia and is printing on textiles and later on, paper. Linotype is using linoleum to print and screen and silk painting is painting on black silk that is stretched tightly over a frame.
Utagawa Hiroshige
Drum bridge and Setting Sun Hill at Meguro
Andy Warhol
Double Mona Lisa, 1963
Katsushika Hokusai
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